Surat Dukungan dalam Bentuk Bahasa Inggris (Supporting Letter)

Surat dukungan merupakan dukungan yang diberikan kepada penyedia pengadaan yang akan melaksanakan e-tendering. Ada beberapa contoh surat dukungan. Berikut contoh surat dukungan dalam bentuk bahasa inggris (supporting letter) :


Shenxhen SAGE Opto Co. Ltd is supporting the company below:

PT/CV. [Company Name]

The supporting letter is given to SAGE NICHIA PH15 – LED Screen Outdoor provided only by Shenzhen SAGE Opto Co. Ltd for the project of :
Pengadaan Media Informasi Luar Ruang
Pokja IV-A-01 ULPD Provinsi DKI Jakarta
ULPD Provinsi DKI Jakarta
On the address :
Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 18 Blok H Jakarta Pusat

PT/CV. [Company Name] is one of authorized distributor for the area of Republic of Indonesia. All technical support, including installation, maintenance and service can be done by engineer provided locally.

Signature & Chop

Date : 18 August 2014

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